Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

Webpage Builder DevHub Sees Engagement Spike After Embracing Gamification

Silicon Valley loves its buzzwords. And amid the current standbys like "Location-based" and "Social", �there's a word that seems to be popping up more and more: Gamification. The basic idea is to incorporate game mechanics, like badges and points, into sites that don't traditionally have them. This wouldn't normally be a trivial task, but there are already a number of startups popping up that make 'gamifiying' a site much easier, like BigDoor and TC Disrupt finalist BadgeVille. But can these services actually help? DevHub, a startup that lets users build out their own websites, certainly thinks so. Back in July the company relaunched its service using BigDoor to power some gaming mechanics, and the results are impressive: cofounder Mark Michael says that adding game mechanics to the site "increased their bottom line, user interaction, and the ultimate goal" of getting users to build out their custom websites.

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